At Mount Street Medical Centre our commitment is to keep you well. We aim to meet these needs by the provision of skillful and patient focused care through the work of highly competent and collaborative team comprising of Independent GPs, Nurses, Dietitians, Hand therapist, Psychiatrists, Podiatrist, Paedatrician and Psychologists as well as external service providers.
Health Assessment and Care Coordination Nurses
Our nurses are specialist nurses with an interest in Chronic Diseases such as Diabetes, Cardio Vascular and Asthma . The nurse provides a full medical check-up and health assessment which is designed to promote and maintain good health. The main emphasis of their role is in the areas of prevention and management
Routine Health Assessments that are available at the practice are:
1. Over 75 year old health assessment
This is an annual assessment which provides an overall view of your general health and covers areas such as sight, hearing, diet, your current medication and your immunisations. It also includes any help that you may be receiving at home (eg home help, meals on wheels) and if you have any problems with shopping, mobility, dressing or bathing etc.
At the conclusion of the assessment you will need to discuss the findings with your doctor. The assessment may be performed in your home or at the practice (No out of pocket expenses)
Appointment classification – PROLONGED
Recommendation: every 12 months
2. 45- 49 year old health assessment, or Type 2 Diabetes risk evaluation for patients aged 40-49 years of age
It is now widely recognise that early diagnosis and /or treatment of many diseases has the potential to reduce or eliminate the impact of a disease. This assessment is a comprehensive review of your health and lifestyle risks. It provides a clearer understanding of your future health needs and you will be in a position to plan appropriately. This may be performed by our nurses, the dietitian or diabetic educator.
Appointment classification – PROLONGED
This is only offered once during this period.
3. Chronic Disease Management
We employ specialist nurses to oversee chronic disease management. A chronic medical condition is one that is present for six months or longer. For example, it includes conditions such arthritis requiring specialist care. Your doctor will assess whether a plan is appropriate for you,
Appointment classification – PROLONGED
Recommendation: every 12 months, with a 6 monthly review and will take approximately 45 minutes with the nurse dietitian or diabetic educator then 15 minutes with the GP.