Tony has been a Clinical Psychologist since 1993. He is currently a senior policy advisor for the Australian Psychological Society (APS). Before joining the APS, Tony was the coordinator and then principal psychologist and manager of Trauma-Related Mental Health Services (TRMHS) for Austin Health from June 1995 until early 2015.
In those roles, Tony set up comprehensive psychological treatment programs for severely traumatised Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel, combat veterans and community groups, including victims of crime, and especially police and other emergency services personnel. Tony simultaneously provided leadership and support to those affected by emergencies and disasters; for example, in the 2002 Bali bombing, 2009 Victorian Bushfires and 2011 Brisbane Floods.
Tony is a Senior Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Melbourne, an Associate of Swinburne University and Patron of the Retired Peer Support Officer Program of Victoria Police. Tony has been a psychological advisor and consultant to Phoenix Australia (the Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health), the Transport Accident Commission of Victoria, WorkSafe Victoria, the Victorian Police Association and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Tony has been lead-funded for research studies into PTSD and continue to conduct research into TRMHCs, especially PTSD. Tony has published numerous articles in peer reviewed journals on trauma-related mental health issues. Tony has provided education and training to mental health professionals across Australia in line with my research and clinical expertise. Tony has accreditation as a psychological supervisor with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority and conducts regular supervision with a wide range of psychologists in government-funded positions and in private practice across Australia.