Sue Doman is an Occupational Therapist and Accredited Hand Therapist with over 30 years experience. Sue pioneered the Hand Therapy unit at the Royal Melbourne Hospital in 1988. In 1991 Sue was awarded the past president’s scholarship and studied hand therapy in USA, Canada, Europe and Sweden. On her return she established Hand & Upper Limb Rehab.
Over the years Sue has held various positions in the AHTA including Victorian State Representative and Victorian State Mentor. Sue has a passion for teaching and has lectured at local, state and national conferences.
Sue works with leading Hand Surgeons, Specialists and General Medical Practitioners. Sue’s interest includes managing acute trauma, chronic hand injuries and conditions. Upper limb injuries that Sue treats include but are not limited to: Mallet finger injuries / Hand & wrist fractures & dislocations / Carpal tunnel syndrome / Trigger finger / Dequervains tenosynovitis / Crush injuries / Tennis & Golfers’ elbow.