Megan is an experienced psychologist who works with children,adolescents,adults and older adults in clinical,disability and vocational settings. She also works with couples and clients referred through Traffic Accident commission (TAC);Victims of Crime (VOCAT), employee Assistance Program (EAP),Department of Veterans Affairs(DVA), and Workcover. In addition, Megan is a passionate group therapy facilitator, and is experienced in administering assessments that measure: psychological functioning; learning abilities; intelligence; emotion; cognitive functioning; clinical disorders; memory; daily living functioning; and personality traits.
Megan supports individuals and couples with a variety of issues, including: depression; anxiety;trauma and abuse; schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders; personality disorders;Obsessive-Compulsive disorder ;developmental disorders including Autism Spectrum Disorders; eating issues(Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge eating); post natal difficulties; life transitions and crises; grief, loss and bereavement; chronic pain and somatic symptoms; stress; self-esteem issues; gender and sexuality issues; sleep difficulties; communication skills training; assertiveness and interpersonal effectiveness training; anger management; work/career; self exploration and personal development.
Megan has a strong interest in truama , particularly Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychosis and other trauma -related difficulties. She also has a strong interest in anxiety and mood disorders.
Megan considers therapy to be a journey that client and therapist take together to find out what is not working in the clients life, to heal the wounds of the past, to discover more of who we are, to overcome difficulties, and explore new, more helpful ways of thinking,feeling,acting and being in the world.
With a holistic approach to therapy, Megan combines a variety of therapeutic approaches and techniques to suit each client’s unique needs and situation. Her therapy sessions are guided by the principles of integrity, respect and authenticity to create a compassionate and safe space which allow for our most most vulnerable parts to be explored. Megan utilises a variety of therapeutic approaches, including: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (DBT); Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for psychosis (CBTp); Dialectical Behavioural Therapy(DBT); Emotion-Focused Therapy(EFT); Schema Therapy; mindfulness-based therapies such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT);Motivational Interviewing(MI); and Solution-Focused Therapy. Megan also incorporates other approaches into therapy, including: meditation and relaxation techniques; Clinical Hynotherapy; and Neuro-Linguistic Programming(NLP).